Thoughts from a Coding Mommy

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

You know you're a geek when...

You and your coworkers are snickering in the aisles and giving each other high-fives because you think Oracle sequences are cool. Yeah, I know, what could possibly be cool about that?

In the world of modeling data and tables schemas, data integrity is about as cool as you can get. Unique constraints and foreign keys, mmmmm....all yummy stuff. Keeps the data in line (as in toe the line). It also means that you are letting your database do the work (or atleast share the responsibility) of data integrity. Sure you could do it all in the application, but shouldn't you harness the power of the database and let what databases do what they do well and programmers can work on something the db can't provide?

Dunno. I think it seems obvious but then nothing surprises me anymore. And sure, there may be good reasons to not let the db provide the id column on a table, but I'm not sure that when I come across this in practise someone has actually provided me with some sort of compelling explanation. Actually, I take that back. I have come across reasons not to create a foreign key constraint but I've always let the db create the id column on my behalf. Sure I might use surrogate keys but for true identity and uniqueness, give me a db sequence any day.

Quesy and Uneasy

Not feeling so great. I think I'm about 8 weeks into it but I'm still not convinced. Let me take that back. I know that I am but 15% of these things don't finish with a prize at the end. I find out Wednesday early AM if there's a real chance or not.

It's always hard to try and figure out when to mention something like this. My newborn job is well, just too new. I don't feel comfortable there, established. Actually, with the events of last week, I feel like I've received a cosmic sign or two that I should cut my loses and flee!

With very few women in the industry (software), especially in any high level positions, I don't feel comfortable mentioning things until 1) I'm absolutely certain. 2) I know the gender. Everybody asks, no point in telling anyone until you can answer that question.

For all you working mommies or soon-to-be mommies out there, I salute your ability to shower and show up even if you want to barf your guts out.

Sunday, October 22, 2006


I love to write code. I love my son. Can I have both? I hope so.

I have a one year old boy. He's learning to give sloppy baby kisses. Melts my heart.

I have a new job that is 2.5 months old. The code part is great. Delving into Hibernate (I found a bug that I need to post back to the community), back to data modelling and table schema design, and picking up a javascript trick or two. All good stuff from the technical aspect.

Yeah, but work is never just about code is it...?

Blogs are scary. But I'm hoping that this will be cathartic.


ca·thar·tic (kə-thär'tĭk) pronunciation

Inducing catharsis; purgative.


An agent for purging the bowels, especially a laxative.

[Late Latin catharticus, from Greek kathartikos, from kathairein, to purge. See catharsis.]

Bowel movement.....typical mommy speak.